"Food scarcity and tremendous setbacks" - Russian women accuse Putin of exhausting their partners
Starting from May 10th, significant numbers of Russian troops have been pushing their way into the northeastern areas of Ukraine. Despite this, Ukraine has been fighting back hard, taking the lives of hundreds of Russian invaders each day. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Ukrainian army have been successful in the eastern region of Kharkiv, as they managed to take over the combat zone which the Russian intruders entered.
The consequences of Russia's onslaught in Kharkiv are now also beginning to affect Russian families.
In a passionate open letter, the "wives, mothers, and sisters of the mobilized 1009th Regiment" are urging the leadership in Moscow to provide clarity about the fate of their husbands. The letter contains a powerful message about the brutal way Russia's military is conducting its unlawful offensive war against Ukraine.
On May 16th, they wrote that their husbands received the order to storm the region of Charkiw on the night of May 9th and were sent "towards the city of Wowtschansk."
"After that, our men fought non-stop for 5 days. They slept for an hour and a half here and there, there was no food or water available. The regiment did not receive any relief or reinforcements for such an advance, causing the regiment to suffer massive casualties," the wives stated in their letter.
On May 15th, the Russian soldiers, according to their wives, had "no physical or mental stamina or ammunition left," which forced them to retreat to save their own lives and those of the remaining soldiers.
However, rather than giving them a chance to rest, their superiors threatened them with facing a military court for "betrayal of the homeland." The soldiers who survived the initial five days were then "gathered up and transferred to the 82nd Regiment," with whom they had to attack Wowtschansk again.
"Since then, we've had no news about our men - whether they're still alive, in good health, and where they are," the Russian women expressed their sorrows.
In addition, the relatives of the soldiers are complaining that "not all wounded and injured soldiers are receiving the necessary medical care and evacuation."
Verbatim, they write: "One of our men got a severe concussion with unconsciousness during a combat mission. His teammates carried him during the retreat from the battlefield. He didn't receive proper medical treatment or evacuation, yet the command took no action."
The letter of the soldiers' wives is only one piece of evidence of Russia's horrifying campaign in Kharkiv.
Thousands of young Russians have reported their soldier friends as "missing" on social media in the past week, shared pictures of entire units of their men, and have claimed that they haven't been able to contact them for days.
Ukrainian videos show what appears to be the fate of the soldiers. The streets of Wowtschansk are filled with bodies of dead Russian soldiers.
Moreover, as Ukraine is using heavy weapons against buildings in the city that are being used as command posts, the multi-story buildings sometimes collapse completely during the airstrikes, suggesting vast numbers of Russian casualties.

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Source: symclub.org