A sum of 240,000 euros was the cost of the inflicted damage. - Riotous individuals shattered an elevator.
Over the last few years, the corrosion from urine has degraded and rusted the steel to a point where it's unsafe, causing the TÜV to halt its use in a parking garage in Ellwangen, Baden-Württemberg. A new elevator is set to be put in place to solve the issue, but it's not a low-cost solution. It is projected to cost 240,000 euros.
Potential camera installation in the elevator
The parking garage operates 24/7, and though there are cameras set up, vandalism is purportedly still an ongoing concern. The elevator itself, however, has not been monitored by these cameras. This might change, though, as the city contemplates whether a camera can be installed in the new elevator cab, but whether or not this happens hinges on "data protection requirements."

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- Five occurrences of fives noted in Stuttgart.
- Hahn's proposal of marriage to Hannah
- Officer halts intoxicated motorist aged 61.
- Geraerts' decision set for release next week
Source: symclub.org