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Retinal tear surgery: "I feared losing my sight"

Claudia Jung, a German pop star age 60, recently went through surgery on her left eye at a specialized clinic due to a retinal tear. If left untreated, this issue can progress to a severe retinal detachment causing possible blindness.

Claudia Jung had to wear sunglasses for days after her eye operation
Claudia Jung had to wear sunglasses for days after her eye operation

Claudia Jung, a well-known singer, is back in the spotlight. - Retinal tear surgery: "I feared losing my sight"

The next day, Claudia Jung's visual issues continued. She phoned the eye clinic for assistance. They instructed her to come in right away. Following a series of tests, she was informed that the shadows obstructing her eyesight were due to a retinal tear causing bleeding.

The physician suggested immediate laser surgery. Prior to the operation, Claudia Jung researched the diagnosis online. Reading all the information, she became very frightened. Blindness was a possibility if the retinal tear wasn't treated. She definitely didn't want that, so she agreed to undergo the procedure.

Jung's eye received laser treatment for roughly thirty minutes. She recalled the experience as feeling like the retina was being secured with staples. Additionally, she was given eye drops to greatly dilate her pupil, making her appear like a drug addict afterward.

After the operation, Claudia Jung was told not to fly, drive, or participate in sports. She also had to wear sunglasses.

Claudia Jung in the

Claudia Jung's sight is still somewhat limited. There are instances when it seems like flies are surrounding her eyes. Nonetheless, things are improving steadily.

The origin of the retinal tear remains a mystery. According to experts, they're usually caused by accidents or altercations. However, that wasn't applicable to Claudia Jung. At the age of sixty, she realized these aches and pains were typical.

Claudia Jung with her husband Hans Singer and their dogs. The couple live on a farm in Bavaria

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