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Residents forced to leave due to blaze in subterranean parking area.

In Berliner Straße, a fire started in the basement of two apartment buildings approximately at 10 p.m. on May 10, 2024, affecting a collection of large-item refuse.

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Homburg OT Erbach: A location reference. - Residents forced to leave due to blaze in subterranean parking area.

Due to heavy smoke, several people had to evacuate, resulting in one person getting a minor foot injury.

Thankfully, the fire department handled the situation swiftly and successfully stopped the fire from reaching any nearby houses, ensuring no one got hurt by it.

A gymnasium in a nearby school provided temporary accommodation for those who were affected.

At present, Berliner Strasse remains completely closed between the Kollwitzstrasse junction and the Dürerstrasse intersection due to ongoing safety measures.

The investigation regarding the reason behind the fire is still ongoing, and the estimated cost of damages is quite substantial.

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