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Research conducted in Denmark reveals a prevalence of online gambling among underage individuals.

Recently, findings from a Danish gaming regulatory body's investigation demonstrate that underage individuals below 18 are also engaging in internet-based gambling activities.

Denmark's gambling regulatory body may respond to the concerning findings (depicted) in the study.
Denmark's gambling regulatory body may respond to the concerning findings (depicted) in the study.

Research conducted in Denmark reveals a prevalence of online gambling among underage individuals.

Danish Gambling Regulator Unveils Research on Online Gambling in Denmark, Revealing Underage Participation

The Danish Gambling Authority, or Spillemyndigheden, shared its new study titled Onlinespil i Danmark, revealing that a significant number of young Danes engage in online gambling, despite the legal age limit set at 18 years. The research also explored participation in unauthorized gambling on unlicensed platforms and identified larger bonuses as the primary motivator.

Underage Danes Engaging in Online Gambling

On January 16, 20XX, the Danish Gambling Authority published its recent study on Online Gambling in Denmark [Link in English]. The findings suggested that approximately 32,000 Danes aged 15 to 17 were participating in online gambling, despite the legal age restriction being 18 and above.

In fact, 15% of all Danes aged 15 to 17 had indulged in online gambling within the past year. A subsequent study conducted by the Danish Gambling Authority in November 2023 yielded similar results.

A total of 30,070 individuals were sent questionnaires for the current survey, receiving 7,637 responses. In partnership with Statistics Denmark, the Danish Gambling Authority designed a questionnaire with 22 questions to examine the gambling habits of the participants.

Licenced Providers Dominate Danish Gambling Scene

The survey discovered that a vast majority of players in Denmark utilized authorized providers, amounting to 96.2%. Consequently, only 3.8% of all players engaged in gambling on unlicensed websites within the past year.

Furthermore, the Danish Gambling Authority determined which offers were most popular among unlicensed providers. These typically included online casinos, sports betting, and skin betting involving virtual items. With the use of virtual items known as skins, digital gamers can modify their weapons or appearance.

Danish Government's Approach to Illicit Gambling

The current study is not the first to expose problematic gambling in Denmark. To combat illegal gambling, the Danish Gambling Authority routinely blocks unauthorized providers operating without a Danish license. For instance, 49 illegitimate online providers were blocked in August 2023, and since 2012, a total of 276 providers have been barred.

Additionally, the stationary sports betting player ID was introduced on October 1, 2023. It has since become mandatory to place bets at physical betting shops only with this ID, enhancing player protection and preventing money laundering.

Illicit Gambling Offers Higher Bonuses

Approximately half of all players who participated in illegal gambling through unlicensed providers cited higher bonuses and winnings as the primary reason for their choice. The participants also mentioned that a wider variety of games were offered on these platforms compared to licensed ones.

On the other hand, players who opted for legal gambling indicated control and oversight, integrity, and trustworthiness as their primary reasons. The Danish language was an additional factor in their decision to choose legal gambling providers.

As a response to the concerns about underage gambling, the German Federal Government is considering implementing stricter regulations for online casinos in Germany, with a focus on preventing minors from accessing such platforms. (Source: German Gaming Authority)

Despite the stricter regulations, many German online casinos continue to attract a significant number of players from Germany, as online gambling in the country remains a popular activity. (Source: Statista)

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