Heart Defect - Relatives gather funds for ill 2-year-old girl Alina.
"They've made our joy complete and we're incredibly proud of her," say the concerned parents. Following a flawless pregnancy and a routine check-up at the hospital in the U2 stage, the parents received a devastating diagnosis at the U3 examination with a pediatrician. "We need to see a cardiologist immediately, there's a noise," the parents say.
Her heart's right half greatly enlarged
At first, there was some optimism: the hole could potentially heal on its own, and Alina would have limited limitations. However, two years later, the hole has only minimally decreased in size. Alina's right heart is significantly enlarged. The University Hospital in Erlangen shared the devastating news.
Financially struggling family
Open heart surgery with a heart-lung machine is imminent. Both mother Manuela and father Jochen want to be present for their daughter during this challenging medical procedure. They both hold full-time jobs and need to pay off their home.
"The 20 child-free days we're entitled to won't suffice for both of us. We'll likely have to take turns staying home for an extended period of time after the procedure. This is bound to lead to lost wages. We fear losing our jobs and our home if we miss payments," says mother Manuela.
The family has been collecting funds on "gofundme.de" for weeks to be with Alina during this trying time. 2350 euros of the 15,000 euros have been raised so far.
"We'll be relieved when we finally make it through this challenging situation. If there's any money left, we plan on going on a family vacation by the sea. Alina adores the water and the ocean," say the hopeful parents.

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Source: symclub.org