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Red-Greens propose to prohibit face coverings in Hamburg schools.

Covered in school curricula? Hamburg's existing school law does not mention anything about this. However, the ruling SPD and Green parties plan to make changes.

ILLUSTRATION - A woman wears a nikab.
ILLUSTRATION - A woman wears a nikab.

Hamburg - A German port city lies in the north of the country. - Red-Greens propose to prohibit face coverings in Hamburg schools.

SPD and Greens propose a ban on face coverings in Hamburg schools via a new law. The motion, published last Tuesday, will be voted on within the next two weeks. They claim that such a ban would satisfy the Germane Higher Administrative Court's demand.

Back in 2020, the court had denied a Muslim girl's prohibition to use a face veil during school hours, stating the lack of a legal foundation for such a ban.

The political parties maintain that open communication is crucial for overall academic performance and harmonious relations in schools. Recognizing each other’s facial expressions is part of this.

Nils Hansen, the SPD parliamentary group's education expert, said, "The government's role in education requires us to create a suitable learning environment in schools. Though open communication is common at Hamburg schools, there still needs to be clear legal boundaries where the school management can take legally binding decisions to better support student collaboration."

Sina Koriath, chair of the school committee and a Green Party member, expressed that the proposed ban would aid students in their development. Furthermore, it would help school management make decisions in complex situations, with potential exemptions in cases such as health protection.“We're not banning face coverings for the sake of it,” she added, “but to empower students and management to navigate an often-challenging area.”

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