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Ready for Team Trash-TV action!

In the "BILD Brauhaus Battle," "Team Reality" successfully finishes the competition on June 6. During this event, four celebrity pairs face off in eight different drinking challenges. The winning duo will be proclaimed the royalty of the brewery at 8 p.m.

Diogo (l.) and Max definitely have drinking game experience ...
Diogo (l.) and Max definitely have drinking game experience ...

Seven more nights until the "BILD Brewery Face-Off." - Ready for Team Trash-TV action!

In the Brauhaus Battle, team Malle, consisting of Danni Büchner (46) and Ikke Hüftgold (47), team Pocher, which features Oliver Pocher (46) and Sandy Meyer-Wölden (42), and team Tornado with Ron Bielecki and Calvin Kleinen, are all eager to claim the winner's crown. Team Reality, with Max Bornmann (27) and Diogo Sangre (29) - both friends in and out of the television world - is also confident about their chances.

It's anyone's game!

The final week of the competition has yet to be announced. However, Max and Diogo, collectively known as "Team Reality", seem optimistic about theirBeerpong skills. As Max puts it, "I'm quite accurate. It's all about precision in Beerpong. I'm not the worst. If I've had a few drinks, my accuracy increases."

While Beerpong final accuracy is crucial, the participants must also demonstrate their skills in seven drinking games leading up to the finale. The team with the most successful throws stands to win the coveted prize.

Maintaining their victory at any cost is what drives each team, as everyone wants to bring home the crown.

Interested viewers can catch the live event at the Wuppertaler Brauhaus. More information on tickets can be found here.

Max Bornmann was in front of the camera for the first time for

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