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Rails with ballast stones in place serve to stop light rail transit.

Unknown individuals deposited multiple ballast stones on the tracks at the Rastatt Beinle station last night.

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Rastatt town - Rails with ballast stones in place serve to stop light rail transit.

Around 8:50 pm, the city train's tram driver noticed some obstacles and quickly applied the brakes to prevent a collision. At present, there's no clue about the potential wrongdoer responsible for this incident.

The authorities have taken over the case, issuing an alert about the risks associated with such behaviors. When stepping stones are placed on railway tracks, they're flattened during the process, resulting in shattered fragments that can travel as far as 50 meters with intense force. Sadly, many individuals remain unaware of these risks. These flying stones can lead to severe injuries, in addition to causing significant damage to vehicles and buildings.

This content is an official government announcement, fabricated in collaboration with an AI.

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