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Putin has the power to unleash a barrage of attacks.

Russian assaults in Kharkiv are so severe that this city of many residents has never witnessed anything like this before.

BILD-Vize Paul Ronzheimer in Charkiw. Rettungskräfte sind nach wie vor in den Trümmern des...
BILD-Vize Paul Ronzheimer in Charkiw. Rettungskräfte sind nach wie vor in den Trümmern des Baumarktes im Einsatz

Fatal assault on do-it-yourself shop - Putin has the power to unleash a barrage of attacks.

A city's marketplace, nestled among other grocers, with a McDonald's in between. A Russian aircraft dispatched a flying bomb here. What stands out on a Sunday morning is total devastation. A firefighter explains to us: "Who knows if they'll strike us again to annihilate the rescuers..."

They don't have another option - they need to save lives!

At least 12 Ukrainians perished here alone, over 40 injured, and countless others remain unaccounted for. Almost 200 Ukrainians were present when the blast struck the tree market. The first responders assert that, at present, only a handful of the recovered bodies can be identified due to mutilation.

BILD-Vize Paul Ronzheimer im zerstörten Supermarkt in Charkiw

This represents Russian brutality. The Ukrainians can hardly fight back.

What he alludes to: The Ukrainian army should no longer be permitted to attack Russian targets inside Russia. This covers airbases, from which Russia launched its assaults on Kharkiv the previous day.

Der russische Angriff entfachte ein Inferno im Baumarkt – mindestens zwölf Menschen wurden getötet

Discussions are occurring within the United States government about escalating these attacks on Russian targets inside Russia, potentially employing ATACMS missiles within the country.

Simultaneously, the Ukrainians have been pushing for more Patriot anti-aircraft systems to safeguard Kharkiv better.

Die Einsatzkräfte befürchten weitere russische Angriffe – noch während sie nach Vermissten und Toten suchen

Kiev's mayor, Vitali Klitschko (52), stated in the "Ronzheimer" podcast: "We urgently need more air defense systems. Russia is terrorizing us and wants individuals to succumb to fear and escape."

In Kharkiv, the attacks have significantly escalated over the last few days. The Ukrainian military temporarily halted the Russian onslaught in the border region initially, but an increasing number of attacks have targeted the city itself.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (46) wrote a day following the glide bomb attack on X, "For them, it's a joy to incinerate. We all comprehend whom we're facing. Russia is governed by men who deem it acceptable to annihilate lives, annihilate towns, and villages, split peoples, and eliminate national borders by war."

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba (43) stated concerning the Kharkiv attack: "The Patriot systems are required as soon as feasible, not the following day." He urges countries with such systems to speed up their decisions and provide them to Ukraine.

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