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Putin announces a new stage in the conflict.

Putin (71) turns Russian society to war mode as his economic agenda ends.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (71)
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (71)

"Everyone needs to be energized and motivated" [ ] - Putin announces a new stage in the conflict.

The Russian dictator, speaking publicly, declared, "Every person needs to work as if in the heat of the battle. Everyone needs to feel prepared for combat. Then we can hit the goals we've set for ourselves." In simpler terms: The Russian military isn't the only one feeling the pressure; civilians in Russia are expected to act as if they're on the war's front lines in a conflict with Ukraine.

This marks a new level of intensity, as Putin's previously kept the Russian public relatively removed from the invasion in Ukraine, opting for strategic reasons to withhold certain information. Now, all Russians must acknowledge the current political climate.

During a joint session with the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, Putin emphasized, "Everyone should be well-aware of the era we're living in and the historical phase Russia finds itself in."

He also directed a message to the government officials and bureaucrats, "The state institutions that carry out national projects have to maintain close coordination. Our success will depend on their interactions, and eventually we'll reach our goals."

Uncertain future for the war

This speech could be a response to the debates occurring in the Western coalition about possible military actions in response to Russia's aggression. Although allowing Ukraine to start an offensive war on Russian land remains a no-go, members from the UK, France, and US are increasingly suggesting a change in approach.

If this change occurs, Russian defense forces could attack positions along their border that have been shelling eastern Ukraine.

The kind of long-term war Putin is planning to wage is evident in a final statement: "It's my hope that we'll keep this level of effort for the next few months and even years."

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