During the Schlagermove event in Hamburg, - Protesters suppressed within medical shelter.
Roughly 3 p.m. on a Saturday in Hamburg, around 50 trucks carrying sound gear were part of the 26th Schlager Fahrt. An estimated 400,000 Schlager enthusiasts showed up, as per the organizer. This event extended until nighttime and was largely peaceful.
Nevertheless, there was a minor incident around 9:20 p.m. when someone entered the medical tent where the paramedics were stationed. This individual was reportedly extremely intoxicated and behaved erratically, possibly grasping a paramedic's arm. One of the paramedics suffered a bruise.

Given the situation, the paramedics had no alternative but to contact the police. Within minutes, eight officers arrived and were able to subdue and apprehend the offender. This provided ample time for the man to sober up.

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Source: symclub.org