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Protestant church encourages abuse victims to share their experiences.

Numerous individuals have faced sexual abuse within church establishments over the past few decades. The northern and eastern Protestant church intends to make strides in addressing this issue.

Dark clouds pass over the cross on a Protestant church in the Hanover region.
Dark clouds pass over the cross on a Protestant church in the Hanover region.

Religious institution - Protestant church encourages abuse victims to share their experiences.

The Protestant church in the northern and eastern regions of Germany is organizing discussions forums in Hamburg and Berlin in early June. The goal is for victims of abuse within the church to connect with one another and establish a support network. This announcement was made by the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia recently. Conversations with church representatives are scheduled to take place later on.

These meetings come as part of the establishment of Independent Regional Reappraisal Commissions across Germany. These commissions will be responsible for examining the numerous instances of sexualized violence within the Protestant church and its institutions. They will consist of individuals affected by the abuse, as well as individuals from academia, the judiciary, public administration, and the regional churches and deaconries.

The support forums are set to take place on June 3 in Hamburg and June 10 in Berlin. Members of the North-East Association, which is being formed, have sent out the invitations. This organization includes the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, and associated regional deaconal organizations.

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