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Prosecutor examines three high-society individuals on Sylt island.

It has been revealed who among the elite Nazis of Sylt is to face legal consequences.

Wegen dieser Geste wird gegen Moritz N. (25) aus Kempten (Allgäu) ermittelt: Allem Anschein nach...
Wegen dieser Geste wird gegen Moritz N. (25) aus Kempten (Allgäu) ermittelt: Allem Anschein nach reißt er den Arm zum Hitlergruß hoch. Dabei deutet er mit der anderen Hand einen Hitler-Bart an

Following the Nazi controversy - Prosecutor examines three high-society individuals on Sylt island.

A person from Sylt has surrendered to the authorities. Investigations are being conducted against Christian M. (29) from Munich and Elisa Maria K. (24) from Hamburg for inciting hatred. A 29-year-old man was captured on camera with a glass of Aperol in hand, and both he and the 24-year-old woman were seen using the "Auslander raus" gesture, an extended arm. Right-wing extremism on Sylt!

The investigators from the State Protection Department K5 in Flensburg (Schleswig-Holstein) are currently analyzing the security camera footage from the "Pony" to see if any more individuals could be charged.

Possible penalties for Nazi slogans

If the offense of displaying symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist groups is proven, a prison term or fine up to three years could be imposed. If one is found guilty of inciting hatred, a maximum of five years in prison could be the sentence.

The Sylt scandal

For several days, Germany has been engaged in the disgraceful incidents on Sylt, the Nazi scandal has rocked the island known for its wealthy and beautiful residents. In Kampen's prestigious town, a group of apparently well-to-do young individuals filmed themselves inside the "Pony" nightclub, singing the 23-year-old song "L'amour toujours" by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino while making the forbidden Nazi salute and shouting "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!"

Politically, the case is gaining traction!

This coming week, a committee meeting is scheduled in the Kiel Parliament, focusing on what occurred on Sylt and evaluating the potential political repercussions.

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