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Possible tornado spotted in Göttingen?

Cloud phenomenon images in Göttingen have been circulating online since Sunday, some of which were shared with the Facebook group "Storm Chasers Kassel." The group then posted the pictures.

The spectacular
The spectacular

Amazing meteorological occurrence - Possible tornado spotted in Göttingen?

Gottingen - Does this towerlike cloud signal a mighty tornado?

Eyewitnesses spotted this twisted cloud formation in the Gottingen area, near Bodensee municipality in Eichsfeld, and also over Seeburger See (Lower Saxony) and other locations.

Mario Zeschik from the "Sturmjägern Kassel" commented, "It's most likely just a regular funnel cloud in this case, one that never actually touched the ground. However, its duration seems quite remarkable. The sightings occurred between 2:30 pm and 3:15 pm."

Fortunately, the funnel cloud never made ground contact, as no damage was reported and the fire department did not deploy their tornado response team.

The Power of Tornadoes

The Helmholtz Center Potsdam estimates that around 20 to 60 tornadoes hit Germany each year. These twisters are categorized as F0 to F12, with the most powerful ones in Germany being the F3 tornado (150 mph) from 2015 in Bützow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and the F4 tornado (211 mph) from 1968 in Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg.

Germany's meteorological service, the Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD), monitors 17 weather radars across the country for supercells, which are rotating thunderclouds that sometimes produce tornadoes. The DWD can predict an increased chance of a tornado up to 18 hours ahead of time, according to the Helmholtz Center.

The cloud formation spirals menacingly towards the ground

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