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Police remove hateful signage from Red Flora area.

Police officers were required to intercept and take down a poster advocating illegal activities against Tesla, a firm owned by Elon Musk (52), on Monday morning at the "Rote Flora", a well-known left-wing extremist gathering site in Hamburg, for the fourth time.

Das illegale Plakat an der Fassade der Flora in Hamburg. Es zeigt einen brennenden Tesla
Das illegale Plakat an der Fassade der Flora in Hamburg. Es zeigt einen brennenden Tesla

Left-leaning shark gathering occurs. - Police remove hateful signage from Red Flora area.

In a shocking turn of events, the Rapid Deployment Force and a special team from the Technical Unit set up camp at Schulterblatt Street at 9:52 AM.

At 9:53 AM, a group of four masked personnel stormed the building using ladders that had been previously left by the left-wing extremists. Armed with saws and knives, they set out to remove an incendiary poster depicting a burned Tesla car. The officers deemed this visual as an express invitation to law-breaking.

Polizisten der Spezialeinheit vom sogenannten Technischen Zug sitzen auf dem Dach des Einsatzfahrzeuges

At 9:54 AM, they successfully removed the poster from the building's facade and secured it safely. Next, they turned to the Specialists from LKA, State Protection for help in identifying the perpetrators, a task that seemed nearly impossible.

Die Spezialeinheit stürmt über eine Leiter auf die Flora am Schulterblatt

The operation ended at 10:10 AM, and the police force retreated from the scene. However, the actions of the left-wing extremists added insult to injury. They responded with the scornful caption "Derbywinner*in," indicating that they viewed themselves in competition with the police, suggesting that they would continue their defiant slandering of Hamburg.

Die Spezialisten entfernen das Transparent von der Flora-Fassade

The situation left CDU security expert Dennis Gladiator (42) baffled, outraged by the actions of the red-green Senate who had allowed the left-wing extremists to ridicule taxpayers and the police for years. The "Red Flora" had long been neglected or dismissed, and this incident reached the peak of the disgraceful disregard.

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