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Police officer assaulted by man wielding an iron bar.

On May 30, 2024, around 5 a.m., a 26-year-old individual struck various parked vehicles with a metal item along Mozartstraße in Ronneburg.

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Ronneburg: A Town in Transition - Police officer assaulted by man wielding an iron bar.

Witnesses notified the police about a guy causing trouble in a yard on Geschwister-Scholl-Straße. The man was in an odd state and appeared threatening towards the police with an iron bar and another metal tool.

However, he disregarded their instructions, threw one of the metals at the officers, and tried to run away. The police responded by using pepper spray and took the man down, who put up a struggle.

At 26 years old, this dude was sent to medical professionals because of his condition. During the ruckus, two cops and the suspect sustained minor injuries and received medical help. Investigations are underway against the guy.

This story is from an official government announcement and was created with the help of AI.

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