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Police demonstrate a gun assault again.

Two patrol officers' lives could have been in danger due to an innocent identity check, as stated by the public prosecutor's office.

A scene from the crime reconstruction video with the police officers involved in Milbertshofen: An...
A scene from the crime reconstruction video with the police officers involved in Milbertshofen: An amateur actor (M.) plays the accused Axel G. (

Police officer injured in Germany, charged with attempted murder. - Police demonstrate a gun assault again.

Attempted murder charges against two Munich police officers. The suspect is 25-year-old Axel G. Back in 2023, these police officers stopped Axel G. at a bus stop while he was under the influence of drugs. What the officers didn't know was that Axel had a hidden pistol in his waistband. During the control, a gunshot was fired.

The trial started at the Munich Regional Court in May. An unconventional method was used - the police recreated the crime scene. This was then shown in court.

On that fateful day in August 2023, Axel G. under the influence of heavy tranquilizers, got behind the wheel. He called his mother, threatening to take drastic measures. His mother, fearing the worst, called 110, asking for help. Axel was at a bus stop when the Olympiapark police station's patrol arrived.

► The officers performed a control on Axel G. But at his belt was a loaded pistol (Beretta Gardone). When they searched him, he pulled the gun out of nowhere and fired. "The bullet missed the police officer but hit the ground a meter away from him," said the prosecutor. The officer managed to take the gun from G. and restrain him.

In court, the police officers testified. One of them said, "We initially thought it was a stun gun. Later it was clear that it was a real gun." And after realizing the gravity of the situation, he added, "That's when we realized what could've happened." They then questioned Axel," Were you aware that you could've killed us?" but he remained silent. His weapon was loaded with several sharp bullets.

At the trial, Axel G. remained silent about the crime scenario, only mentioning his drug addiction issues. He stated, "Benzos (Benzodiazepines) and alcohol are the worst."

His lawyers, Alexander Esser and Julian Ackermann, argued that after his arrest, Axel G. was interrogated while exhausted, naked, and handcuffed, and without legal representation. They responded to a question, "The bullet narrowly missed the police officer who was holding the gun. It'll be difficult to prove that the defendant intended to kill the police officers." During pre-trial detention, G. completed his detox and expressed interest in becoming an apprentice carpenter.

If convicted, G. could face at least five years in prison.

The murder weapon was a Beretta Gardone
Axel G. (center) with his defense lawyers Julian Ackermann (left) and Alexander Esser at the trial before the Munich District Court. The lawyers criticized the fact that their client was questioned without a lawyer after his arrest
Another scene from the reconstruction video: An amateur actor demonstrates how the defendant drew his gun and missed the police officer by a hair's breadth

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