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Police apprehended five migrants.

Band of wet and grimy migrants were apprehended by the federal police along a rural road near Aschau in Chiemgau last Friday (May 17th). It's believed that a smuggler had ditched them in the midst of the pitch-black, torrential downpour.

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Aschau is a town in Chiemgau. - Police apprehended five migrants.

On Friday morning, the Rosenheim Federal Police received reports from witnesses about some unfamiliar individuals between Sachrang and Aschau. Two of these people were first found, and soon after, three more undocumented migrants, who claimed to be from Syria, were also discovered. They said they had joined a smuggler's vehicle in Slovenia. As there were not enough seats, some of them were forced to travel in the trunk. After a prolonged journey, the driver instructed them to get out of the car. The driver continued on without them.

When the federal police apprehended the four males and the minor, who was accompanied by his adult brother, their clothes were heavily damp and stained due to the weather conditions. They claimed that the price for traveling from Slovenia to Germany was 3,000 euros, and the entire smuggling process, which included crossing Turkey, cost approximately 10,000 euros per person. These expenses were meant to be covered by family members back in their home country.

The federal police brought the five Syrians to the Rosenheim police station for initial processing. After all the necessary law enforcement measures were taken, they were shifted to a facility for refugee housing.

Please note that this text is derived from official information provided by the authorities and was created using AI assistance.

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