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Pistorius set to lead the way.

The individual is delivering a speech at a prestigious American university. However, this address also targets Germany, encompassing his own party's waverers and pacifists within the group.

Side by side: Pistorius with Defense Minister Lloyd Austin, who received him at the Pentagon with...
Side by side: Pistorius with Defense Minister Lloyd Austin, who received him at the Pentagon with full military honors

War proclaimed in Washington - Pistorius set to lead the way.

Germany recently celebrated Liberation Day, marking the end of World War II 79 years ago. Now, Boris Pistorius (64, SPD), Germany's Minister of Defense, stands in front of around 250 students and professors at Johns Hopkins University in Washington and declares:

► "We are ready to take the lead."

To whom is he referring?

► Germany's military and its political leaders - and possibly himself as well.

This is his keynote speech. He is making his move! Title: "Steadfast, capable and ready: Germany's security renaissance and transatlantic defense".

An announcement to the world - and also to his fellow party members and nostalgics who have long accused him of being a "warmonger".

It is Pistorius' proclamation of conflict.

Pistorius, who has been the most popular politician in the country for months, declares:

Pistorius on the day of liberation at the Arlington military cemetery at the gates of Washington's capital city

... the Pistorius Doctrine:

"I also want to free Germany, but most importantly my party, from the remnants of the old global political fantasy: from the idea that as an economic power, you can simply avoid involvement militarily, continue to hide behind the USA 75 years after the founding of the state and 35 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall."

Pistorius refers to Germany's security strategy, which was published last year (outlining the country's security interests around the world). It's the first time since the Second World War:

The Minister: "a milestone on the path to security policy maturity..."

Germany must mature, both militarily and as a nation, says the Minister of Defense!

► "We cannot just sit back and watch while international law, our order, and our values are destroyed."

He's not just talking about Germany's self-defense: "This applies globally."

Pistorius in front of the press in Washington on Thursday: He announced new arms deliveries to Ukraine

He's specifically referring to "the hotspots in Africa, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific region. And that includes Ukraine."

Pistorius mentions China and Russia in the same breath, in the same sentence - as a common threat.

Germany as an economic power should also be a military power. Not alone. In NATO, in Europe, with the USA. But as a strong, leading military power!

► "Germany is making defense and national security its top priority - and at the same time redefining its engagement in other parts of the world."

German foreign policy - national, European, global. Never before has the Chancellor spoken with such clarity or aggression.

And as a military power allied with the USA!

"Fighting with unwavering commitment"

Side by side: Pistorius with Defense Minister Lloyd Austin, who received him at the Pentagon with full military honors

And for this, as he has said before, he wants "compulsory military service." Because: "We must ensure our military readiness in a state of national or collective defense."

Not only in response to the perceived avalanche of crises, he says:

►"But rather than surrender, you will see me fight the crises and challenges that lie ahead with unwavering commitment."

►While some assume the best, thinking the Kremlin will eventually come to its senses if we just wait patiently, he says: "Defense thinking means thinking in worst-case scenarios."

► "The era of the peace dividend is behind us". So: "We will do our part. Germany is making defense and national security its top priority - that's a first in German history."

Just as Germany benefited from the West "as a frontline state during the Cold War," Germany will now defend the Eastern border of the free West against Moscow: "Our primary focus is the defense of our allies on the Eastern flank of NATO."

Region of application of the Pistorius Doctrine for Europe: "From the far north to the Balkans, from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean." Otherwise: wherever our interests are at stake - i.e. worldwide.

Pistorius at Boeing in Philadelphia in a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, of which Germany has ordered 60 units

His promise: "Germany is capable and willing to play its part (...) in international politics."

The doctrine speech - the key highlight of Pistorius' trip to the USA, the stops on which only make sense with this speech:

► Visit to the Jewish Committee (message: We have learned from history) and to the UN Secretary-General in New York (message: We are part of the world community),

► Visit to Bundeswehr supplier Boeing in Philadelphia and to missile manufacturer Raytheon (message: We are arming ourselves),

► Wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National and Heroes' Cemetery (message: Soldiers also died for us),

► Visit to his counterpart Lloyd Austin at the Pentagon (message: We are on your side).

And then this very military policy liberation speech on the day after Liberation Day, addressing the liberators - in front of the future foreign policy elite of the USA in Washington.

The Minister of Defense at the Jewish Committee in New York

All this sounds pretty bold. More than ever heard from the Chancellery before. The speech: NOT coordinated with the Chancellery.

Someone wants to lead. More than just soldiers...

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