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Pinpricks help foxes prepare for the ultimate showdown.

The Füchse squad has already played in 56 competitive matches. National team members and talented substitutes from Potsdam have participated in over 70 games. Their bodies are exhausted, in pain at every inch, yet they persist with determination. Displaying passion, a depleted team, and close...

Physio Ben Kuntz behandelt Hans Lindberg nach dem Halbfinale gegen die Löwen
Physio Ben Kuntz behandelt Hans Lindberg nach dem Halbfinale gegen die Löwen

Flensburg set for EURO final match - Pinpricks help foxes prepare for the ultimate showdown.

Following the 33:24 in the semi-final against Rhein-Neckar Löwen, the focus shifted towards recuperating the players overnight.

Chief physio Ben Kuntz (38), assisted by Nicolas Peter (31), team doctor Sebastian Bierke (44), and team manager Bernd Wagner (57), visited their rooms continuously. Kuntz, a former Heidelberg swimmer, shares his observations: "Everyone had massages, we assisted in treating team doctor Wehwehchen, and ensured players replenished their spent bodies with electrolytes and proteins."

Kuntz, who has been with the Fuchsen for two years, owns two massage tables, approximately 10 kilos of tape rolls, ice boxes, pharmaceuticals, electrical gadgets for current treatments, dry needling needles, and a Game Ready gadget. Kuntz clarifies, "This invention hails from the NBA and serves for cold and compression therapy. Inflammation is minimized, and pain is reduced through temperature and pressure. We implement it for prompt rehabilitation here."

But how does Kuntz use the needles?

Physiotherapist Kuntz states, "We've utilized dry needling for a while. It differs from acupuncture for relaxation; this is the modern form of it. It resembles acupuncture, but here, we induce trigger points in stiff muscles that generate pain. Instead of merely soothing, we also alleviate movement restrictions. The players find it enthralling."

The last attendee on the massage bed was midfielder Nils Lichtlein (21) with adductors concerns. Kuntz: "We devoted more time to his legs, though overall, it went hastily and we were done by midnight, which marked everyone's bedtime."

Regular practices will continue on Sunday. After a 9:30 am breakfast, Hans Lindberg (42) undertook a nearly 90-minute walk: "I've been doing this prior to essential games, letting my mind ponder in peace." Later, at 13:00 pm, in the "Radisson Blu" conference room, the group partook in group warm-up and stretching exercises. Subsequently, the video analysis for Flensburg was conducted.

The Fuchsen embark on their journey to the arena - final at 6:00 pm.

Mathias Gidsel bei Dehnübungen beim Anschwitzen vor dem Finale im Team-Hotel

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