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Person with 2.5 parts per thousand on a wheelchair on the roadway

Police receive a phone call on Friday afternoon reporting a drunken wheelchair user.

Police in Ulm pulled a drunk wheelchair user out of traffic (symbolic photo)
Police in Ulm pulled a drunk wheelchair user out of traffic (symbolic photo)

Authorities apprehend individual in Ulm. - Person with 2.5 parts per thousand on a wheelchair on the roadway

Officers pulled over a wheelchair user (60 years old) on the B466 federal highway in Ulm. Interestingly, this happened on Überkinger Straße, which seems like a name for a non-alcoholic beverage.

The man had a strong alcohol odor. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that he was indeed under the influence, with a blood alcohol content of 2.5 per mille.

It's important to know that operating a wheelchair while intoxicated is illegal as well. Charges should be filed.

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