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People conceal underwear in the Westerwald region.

Investigators from the Hachenburg Forest Education Centre in Rhineland-Palatinate want people to bury white cotton undergarments in the soil. This peculiar initiative is not just for fun - it has a vital purpose.

Weird join-in campaign 2024: In the Westerwald they are now burying underpants in the ground
Weird join-in campaign 2024: In the Westerwald they are now burying underpants in the ground

There's a mysterious box on the ground. - People conceal underwear in the Westerwald region.

Interested in joining the experiment? Simply bury two pairs of cotton undies - like in your backyard, the woods, a meadow, or a field. After a month, unearth the first set of undies, and another month later, extract the remaining pair. By observing the alterations, you can draw conclusions about the quality of the soil.

✔ September 15, 2024 marks the Open Day at Hachenburg Forest Education Center. You're welcome to bring your "results" for further analysis and insight into the soil's condition.

Ripped panties: An indication of thriving soil!

Testing soil using undies? It's possible! In earth-rich soils of forests and gardens, cotton panties and remnants are swiftly devoured by numerous ravenous microorganisms residing in the soil.

Germany adopts Swiss soil study!

"Underpants as evidence" - volunteers in Switzerland initiated this campaign in 2001 to examine the life in soil. Now, this initiative serves as foundation for a hands-on project in Westerwald.

Steps to Bury Undies for Soil Test

  • Create a 30-centimetre deep hole in the ground, such as in a vegetable patch, forest floor, or field. The hole should be spacious enough to fit two pairs of underpants side-by-side.
  • Lay both pairs of undies side-by-side in the hole and fill it back in. Ensure the waistbands are visible. Slot a wooden stick in between the undies as a marker.
  • After a month, remove one of the two pairs of undies. Another month later, extract the remaining pair. To record your findings, snap a picture of each pair and email them to the soil lab at Hachenburg Forest Education Center ([email protected]).

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