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Paul Auster's passing is regretted by Hamburger Verlag.

Rowohlt Publishing in Hamburg has been releasing Paul Auster's novels for over three decades. Sadly, they now mourn the passing of this acclaimed American author.

The US writer Paul Auster.
The US writer Paul Auster.

Written works encompassing various genres and formats. - Paul Auster's passing is regretted by Hamburger Verlag.

Rowohlt, a publishing company in Hamburg, grieves the passing of American writer Paul Auster, who left this world on a Tuesday. Auster was a notable author in modern US literature, said Rowohlt in a statement from Hamburg on Wednesday. "For years, Rowohlt-Verlag has brought German translations of Auster's works to readers, creating a strong and enduring bond that intensifies our sorrow."

Auster breathed his last on Tuesday following an extended illness, according to reports in the New York Times and the Guardian, both obtained from his friend Jacki Lyden. He was 77 when the cancer he'd been fighting for more than two years took his life at his Brooklyn, New York, home.

In a 2023 "Guardian" interview, Auster discussed his experiences. The New York Times reported on Auster's life, while the Guardian shared news of his death. [Markdown formatting preserved]

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