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Patients with health insurance may receive a 100 Euro refund.

The expenses within the healthcare industry are skyrocketing, resulting in increased health insurance premiums.

Patients with health insurance are to be reimbursed up to 100 euros
Patients with health insurance are to be reimbursed up to 100 euros

The head of statutory health insurance doctors calls for action. - Patients with health insurance may receive a 100 Euro refund.

Medical professionals urge a reduction in expenses. A suggestion from the head of statutory health insurance physicians, Andreas Gassen (61): In the future, insured patients are supposed to search for a designated doctor known as a "regular doctor" and have all references to other physicians (e.g., dermatologist, orthopedist) sent through him. Patients may receive up to 100 euros from their health insurance fund as an incentive.

On average, in Germany, individuals visit a doctor ten times a year (ranking fifth among OECD countries). Patients are free to select doctors - even multiple times for the same treatment.

Gassen: "It's not uncommon for a patient to see various GPs and specialists who conduct similar examinations. This consumes time for the practices and money for the health insurance companies. It also means fewer open appointments and full waiting rooms for patients."

The insurance executive wants patients to be advised by their "regular doctor." This includes their family doctor or gynecologist. These professionals would then refer patients with back issues, for example, to the orthopedist. "This system of control could prevent patients from scheduling excess appointments or arranging inappropriate treatments themselves," Gassen says.

This would also be beneficial for the health insurance firms: voluntary management would alleviate them because they would not incur expenses, such as multiple billing for medication. Gassen: "We can no longer afford to have every patient follow their personal preferences or desires."

Head of statutory health insurance physicians Andreas Gassen

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