One infant deceased, two children mistreated. - Parents found guilty of neglect face lenient sentence.
### What occurred during the trial at Plauen District Court for the Plauen parents?
► In July 2017, their six-month-old baby Liam died at home. It wasn't until two years later that an investigation began, after their eldest child (now 8) informed his foster parents about it. The public prosecutor's office accused Patrick S. of suffocating the baby with a pillow because he was crying too much, while the mother stood by idly.
► The Zwickau Regional Court acquitted the parents in November 2021 due to insufficient evidence and potential heart defects. However, the police were already investigating another case of child abuse in the family at the time. This case was only recently tried at Plauen District Court.
► The abuse happened several years ago. The parents, Lisa S. and Patrick S., are accused of severely mistreating their third child. According to the indictment, the girl was subjected to beatings, strangulation, and shaking. They also tied her hands behind her back to prevent her from sucking her fingers.
► A pediatrician discovered bruises on the one-year-old girl. On closer examination, healed fractures were found on her upper arms, shinbone, and metatarsal.
► The parents appeared in court this week with their youngest child (approximately one year old). They presented themselves as loving parents, changing the baby in the courtroom and the father even feeding the baby. RTL was the first to report on the story.
Prosecution of seven offenses, only verdicts for three cases
A total of seven offenses were charged. Following the arraignment, a legal discussion followed, and the parents made a confession in private.
However, in the end, they were only found guilty of three offenses. Each parent received a suspended sentence of 19 months, and the father had to complete 250 hours of community service.
Lisa and Patrick S. were permitted to keep their fourth child. The family now resides in Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia. Their two surviving daughters have been in foster care for a while.
The public prosecutor's office is now contemplating an appeal following the lenient sentence.

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