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Pair alters pricing labels in clothing shop.

A couple tried to swindle a fashion store at the market on May 21, 2024 during lunchtime by altering the tags on their clothing.

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He talks about Health. - Pair alters pricing labels in clothing shop.

A keen staff member caught on to the deception when she checked the barcodes against the actual merchandise displayed while in queue to be paid and reported it to the police at 1:20 PM.

An inquiry into the matter led to the discovery that the woman and man had switched the tags of pricier clothing with cheaper counterparts in the changing areas.

Afterwards, they split up and attempted to purchase the altered textiles at distinct cash registers, but the swindle was uncovered.

A search of the male offender later on revealed an object not presented for payment by the accused during the transaction.

The duo is now being charged with fraud and theft.

Note: This text is inspired by official information from the relevant authorities, aided by AI.

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