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Owner abandons canine in vehicle before visiting pool area.

A small canine endures harsh temperatures inside a cramped vehicle while its owner possibly enjoys the roller coaster ride or unwinds in a water park's looping slide or whirlpool.

The dog had to stay in the car in extreme temperatures, while his master relaxed in the swimming...
The dog had to stay in the car in extreme temperatures, while his master relaxed in the swimming pool

The fire department records 55 degrees inside the premises. - Owner abandons canine in vehicle before visiting pool area.

On a Monday in Whit, at AquaMagis swimming pool in Plettenberg (NRW), police found a little white dog locked in a black Hyundai parked outside. They made attempts to contact the owner through the intercom, but claims of no response were received.

The fire department arrived, putting their window opening kit to use, though their efforts proved futile. As the dog's health rapidly declined, they broke the window without hesitation, rescuing the little one from the dreadful sauna.

A Plettenberg firefighter looks through the window of the black Hyundai. A drinking bowl is already ready

The animal's owner soon arrived on the scene, prompting the authorities to take more drastic actions. Another incident featuring a dog trapped in a car had recently occurred in Krefeld, with the unfortunate outcome of the dog's demise due to the sweltering heat.

The use of a window opening set failed

Using a thermal imaging camera, the interior temperature was measured and recorded at a staggering 55 degrees.

The rescuers then reached their destination with a smashed window

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