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Nursing home occupant yearned for burning a single cigarette.

A brief smoking break was all it was meant to be.

Der Rettungshubschrauber bringt das Brandopfer in die Spezialklinik (Symbolfoto)
Der Rettungshubschrauber bringt das Brandopfer in die Spezialklinik (Symbolfoto)

Rescue helicopter transports patient to specialized clinic. - Nursing home occupant yearned for burning a single cigarette.

A man living in a nursing home in Lüneburg (Lower Saxony) tried to smoke a cigarette using a kitchen burner. Tragically, his attempt resulted in severe burns and a rescue helicopter trip.

An ill-advised move

The 44-year-old man faced an accident as he tried to ignite a cigarette using the kitchen burner. Apparently, his wardrobe caught on fire, causing serious injuries.

Thanks to the prompt action of a care center staff member, the situation could have been worse. The injured individual, who primarily relies on a wheelchair, received immediate medical attention in a specialized hospital, boarding a rescue helicopter for the transportation.

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