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Numerous instances of whooping cough appear in daycare facilities and educational institutions.

A heightened number of whooping cough instances are being reported from schools and nurseries in Chemnitz, with a total of 33 cases documented this year. Only 24 cases were reported in the entirety of 2023, according to the city administration on Friday. In the past three weeks, eight different...

(symbolic photo)
(symbolic photo)

Chemnitz Creates Headlines: Major City Experiences Unrest and Tensions - Numerous instances of whooping cough appear in daycare facilities and educational institutions.

Concerned parents need to verify their kids' immunization records. As per the provided details, whooping cough may cause serious outcomes like pneumonia, ear infections, and rarely, brain damage due to insufficient oxygen supply. Germany has experienced a significant increase in cases this year, with the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recording 4180 infections - in comparison, there were only 1446 instances in the same period of 2023. The RKI attributes this rise to a "catch-up effect" resulting from the pandemic and unsuccessful inoculation measures.

The Standing Vaccination Commission in Germany suggests having your baby vaccinated three times: the first shot at two months old, the second one eight weeks later, and the final partial vaccination at eleven months.

The "100-day cough" is a major problem for medical professionals in other parts of Europe too. Denmark had a severe epidemic situation last fall, which was only resolved recently.

In England, whooping cough cases have skyrocketed this year, according to a UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) report released last Thursday. The report disclosed that around 2,800 people in the largest part of the UK were infected between January and March, which is almost three times more than the entire year before that. Unfortunately, five infants lost their lives due to the illness in the initial quarter of 2024. Additionally, four infant deaths were reported in the Netherlands during February and March.

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