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No procession of Islamists in Hamburg

The Islamist leader Boateng and his followers may be permitted to return to the streets, but there will be no procession. Instead, there will be a static demonstration in Hamburg on Saturday, which will span from Adenauallee to Kreuzweg and continue on to Steindamm.

Islamist leader Boateng at the rally in Hamburg two weeks ago
Islamist leader Boateng at the rally in Hamburg two weeks ago

Caliphate demo confined to one place. - No procession of Islamists in Hamburg

The "Muslim Interactive" Islamist group is allowed to host a second rally, but under stricter conditions.

New rules for the second rally:

◻️ No calls for violence.

◻️ Israel's right to exist should not be contested.


◻️ The demand for a caliphate on German soil cannot be made.

Hamburg's police chief Falk Schnabel says he considered banning the gatherings. He also evaluated footage from the first rally for this purpose. In the end, he stated that a ban would not be legally enforceable.

The Head of the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Torsten Voß, commented: "As the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, we've constantly cautioned against 'Muslim Interactive.' Attending the demonstration now means you're associating with Islamists, and you could also be targeted by security authorities."

Head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution Torsten Voß

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