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Nikola Glumac unveils personal ink designs for the first time.

On May 24th, Nikola Glumac (28), a renowned fighter, will not only display his combat abilities but also his intricate body art. His tattoo designs, considered as masterpieces, have been kept under wraps until now, and he will reveal them to BILD.

His tattoos give Nikola extra power at the Fame Fighting Challenger
His tattoos give Nikola extra power at the Fame Fighting Challenger

Contestant of Fame Fighting with something on his backside - Nikola Glumac unveils personal ink designs for the first time.

Back in the day, only seven years ago, our reality star had no tattoos on his body. Nowadays, he's covered in colorful designs. Nikola stated, "My entire body is full, but I'll always have room for more tattoos."

His journey with tattoos start with a clock depicting the exact time of his birth. However, Nikola knew that would not be his last tattoo. Today, he has numerous tattoos, and one holds a special place in his heart.

However, his favorite one might not be the most heartfelt. It's on his... buttox: "On one side, there's a woman performing oral sex. The other side says 'sex.' That's wild!"

Family is everything to him: Nikola has immortalized his sister Mila's name on his arm

The inspiration behind his 'sex' tattoo

The idea of getting a 'sex'-themed tattoo stemmed from a surprising source. Nikola explained, "I was watching porn with my tattoo artist. He suggested capturing a screenshot from the film and getting it tattooed on my butt."

Nikola can no longer count his tattoos himself

While some admire his crazy ink, others are critical. But Nikola couldn't care less about others' opinions: "Most people appreciate my tattoos, yet there are those who criticize me for it. I don't mind that at all. I do what I enjoy, and I'm super content."

The hefty price tag of his ink collection

And the other side of his backside is also one of Nikola's favorites

Another bold addition to his collection is the word "passion" (meaning "passion" or "indulgence") tattooed on his pubic area.

Exactly how many tattoos does Nikola have? He's not certain. But he's confident that his body art costs exceed 30,000 euros. "I covered my body in pieces, so the expenses were manageable."

A tattoo in the pubic area was also a must. It says

However, he indulged in his body art solo: "I had to pay for everything myself."

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