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Neukölln, Berlin: Police operations conclude against unlawful gaming venue within clan's territory

Berlin law enforcement disrupted an unlawful betting enterprise involving twenty individuals at a gaming den within the Neukölln area.

Neukölln, Berlin: Police operations conclude against unlawful gaming venue within clan's territory

During the early hours of January 6th, Berlin's Enforcement Office stumbled upon an unauthorized gambling den situated in a local establishment run by a well-known gang. The law enforcement officers, summoned to the scene, identified around 20 individuals partaking in the illicit activity and discovered a considerable stack of currency, portions of which were confiscated.

Gambling activity involving approximately 16,000 euros

The Berlin Enforcement Office was conducting routine inspections focusing on youth and smoking regulations at local establishments in the early hours of January 6th. During such inspections, they detected a locally-owned establishment featuring darkened windows located on Fuldastraße. Upon closer inspection, they discovered the nefarious activities taking place, with around 20 individuals engaged in unauthorized gambling.

Since the tables were cluttered with piles of cash, the Enforcement Office prompted the involvement of the local law enforcement. The officers identified between 15,000 and 16,000 euros in currency on the premises, with one participant found to possess nearly 6,000 euros in their pockets. Part of the seized money was categorized and confiscated by the authorities.

“Unlawful gambling often transacts with hefty figures, often using high-end car documentation as gambling chips. These scenarios rarely make headlines.”Insider, Tagesspiegel

The reported gambling activity utilized dice and playing cards. Since the proprietor failed to secure a gambling license, the authorities initiated legal proceedings against the operator and their attendees for participating in the unlawful gambling enterprise.

When is a gambling license needed?

In the context of the Berlin establishment, the absence of a gambling license resulted in a criminal conviction. According to § 284 and 284 of the German Criminal Code, organizing, participating in, promoting, or providing a location for gambling without authorization is classified as illegal gambling. The penalties can range from three months to five years in prison.

Gambling is understood to be a game with a chance outcome, where potential winnings may be substantial. A "substantial win" is evaluated based on the financial circumstances of the participants and prevailing societal norms.

Allegedly managed by the Al-Zein clan

According to various media outlets, the uncovered gambling den is owned and operated by the notorious Al-Zein clan. The family has been involved in a multitude of criminal activities in Berlin, as well as Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.

Previously, members of the clan have been convicted for numerous offenses such as armed robberies and cold-blooded murders in Berlin. The specific penalties levied against the operator and participants of the unlawful gambling operation have yet to be determined.

The gambling den found in Berlin was reportedly connected to online casinos, as evidence of such activities was discovered during the raid. Despite the rise of online gambling platforms in Germany, operating an unauthorized gambling den is still illegal, as per German criminal law.

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