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Nancy Faeser expresses surprise at the information.

Caren Miosga (55) displays a worrying lack of awareness, as disclosed by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53) from the SPD.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53, SPD) with the Integration Commissioner for Berlin-Neukölln,...
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (53, SPD) with the Integration Commissioner for Berlin-Neukölln, Güner Yasemin Balci (49)

Fear of opposing views prevalent in numerous educational institutions. - Nancy Faeser expresses surprise at the information.

Nearly swearing an oath of exposure!

Güner Yasemin Balci, Berlin-Neukölln's integration commissioner (49), sounded the alarm when she proclaimed that the right to free speech has vanished at numerous German universities. The minister was startled by the revelation: "I had no idea!"

Previously, Balci had expressed deep concern about the deteriorating situation for students caught in political brawls facing harassment and threats. She lamented, "Those platforms for open debate have vanished from many universities."

Distressed by the Situation

However, Balci's alarm extends beyond the physical damage caused at Humboldt University by Israel-haters and Hamas supporters. She is disturbed by the fact that various universities have become environments inhospitable to critical thought: "It's worse than seeing university spaces wrecked!"

Sharing her concerns, she emphasized, "We must guarantee that students studying in Germany can safely express their thoughts and opinions. It's alarming if people fear for their safety when voicing their views."

The Importance of the Law

Faeser seemed taken aback by the revelation and referenced the rule of law as the sole solution. "It's shocking that there's no room for discussion while certain topics are deemed unmentionable," she stated fervently. "I insist upon the rule of law applying to our educational institutions as well."

As she finished her statement, Faeser voiced a warning: "Whenever someone is silenced or terrorized to the point of being unable to express their opinion, they've crossed the line. Consequently, action must be taken!"

Controversies and Emotions

Christina Miosga raised the topic of the Sylt video, which sparked nationwide outrage due to its offensive slogans. But when asked why there was no collective outcry against universities harboring sympathy for anti-Semitic organizations like Hamas, Miosga sought a reply from fellow SZ journalist Ronen Steinke.

Steinke, in a surprising turn of events, pointed out a similar issue: "I, too, found it puzzling when no one took to the streets against the Saudi aggression in Yemen, which received European financial assistance." According to him, empathy and support seem exclusively reserved for specific causes.

Highlighting the connection, Miosga added, "Yemen's Houthi rebels are avid backers of Hamas terrorists. They support the cause of Israel's destruction."

Caren Miosga with her guests: Nancy Faeser (SPD), Guener Balci and Ronen Steinke

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