Obtaining a summer body through Fame Fighter Sima's fitness regimen. - My meal of choice!
No matter how the competition for the fitness influencer turns out, she's already won one personal battle: She's sporting the ideal beach body four weeks before the start of summer! Want to know how Sima achieved this fantastic result? Here are her top suggestions for getting in shape like Sima, the Fame Fighter!
Regardless of whether she needed to, Sima dropped 1.5 kg for the Fame Fighting event. While she emphasizes healthy eating to shed pounds, as a fitness enthusiast, she's always mindful of her calorie intake. Sima consumes approximately 1700 calories at a weight of 53 kg and a height of 162 cm.

When hunger pangs strike, Sima has some tricks up her sleeve. Instead of snacking on sweets, she opts for chewing gum. However, be cautious – excessive chewing gum can have a laxative effect. To help you overcome munchies, Sima recommends drinking plenty of water.

But water and mountains of veggies won't help if you're not engaging in regular physical activity. Sima is a fan of skipping rope, which she finds invaluable for spending 10 to 15 minutes a day on this quick workout. Most people have the time for this – Sima has many more workout ideas to inspire you on her Instagram account.

As for workouts by other fitness influencers like Pamela Reif (27), Sima is indifferent: "I like to create my own workout routines and do them as I feel like it. But it's certainly helpful if you don't have the ideas or exercises at first."

Sima isn't a big fan of protein drinks: "I usually prefer to cover my protein needs through my normal diet. I'd rather eat calories than drink them. A protein shake doesn't fulfill me personally."
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Source: symclub.org