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Multiple rallies were held on Labor Day.

On May Day, various rallies and events are scheduled to take place across Germany, with the majority organized by trade unions. The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), led by its chairman Yasmin Fahimi, is set to hold its primary rally in Hanover (11.00 a.m.).

Logo of the DGB
Logo of the DGB

Multiple rallies were held on Labor Day.

Lars Klingbeil from SPD is heading to Chemnitz and Görlitz, while Hubertus Heil (SPD) will join an event in Dresden. Other politicians from the Greens, Left Party, and CDU/CSU will also make appearances in different locations. There's a possibility of chaos in Berlin and other towns on May Day. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East might intensify these issues. The police have decided to deploy a large number of their officers.

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