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Multiple Millions of Dollars in Fines for Unsavory Hand luggage Scam!

The price for a return trip to Majorca by air is 92 euros, and it will cost an additional 97 euros for hand luggage and a specific seat.

Ryanair is to pay the highest fine in Spain, but Easyjet is also to be asked to pay
Ryanair is to pay the highest fine in Spain, but Easyjet is also to be asked to pay

Spanish authorities take action against airlines. - Multiple Millions of Dollars in Fines for Unsavory Hand luggage Scam!

After making adjustments to the fares, the end seems to be in reach in Spain. Four budget airlines - Ryanair, Vueling, Easyjet, and Volotea - will face fines worth more than 150 million euros due to illegal surcharges applied to hand luggage.

What are the consumer advocates particularly opposed to?

Rubén Sánchez, the head of the consumer protection organization Facua, commented that the airlines were utilizing "unlawful" fees to enhance their profits. For six years, consumer advocates have campaigned for law authorities to intervene against these airlines.

Which airline faces how much in fines?

Ryanair, the first airline to impose a fee for hand luggage in November 2018, is predicted to incur the most significant penalty. Following this, Vueling, a low-cost Spanish airline, and, with lower penalties, Easyjet from the UK and Volotea from Spain will pay up. These fines are imposed by the Consumer Protection Ministry in Madrid.

Is the decision set in stone?

Absolutely not. The airlines can still file an appeal against the decision. The Spanish Airline Association has already announced its intention to contest the fines, referring to them as "entirely inappropriate." They argued that the fees are not illegal, and by eliminating them, passengers without hand luggage would face financial disadvantages.

How does the decision affect German tourists?

Yes, if the fines hold despite all the negative publicity. At least, tourists would save money on their trip back to Germany. A similar regulation currently exists for flight taxes and fees in Spain, where they can't go beyond a certain limit. Thus, domestic flights in Spain are noticeably less expensive than domestic flights in Germany.

Will tourists get their money back?

Highly unlikely. The airlines may take legal action against the fine, which could take several years before a verdict is reached. Until such a decision, the fees for hand luggage will remain in effect. If the airlines end up paying fines, travelers would have to seek compensation individually - perhaps even through litigation.

Note: Ryanair has never voluntarily returned money. As stated on their website, "There may be valid reasons for a trip not to occur, but our business model states that we do not provide refunds to people who don't take the trip, as the reserved seat remains vacant."

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