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Multiple collisions on the A1 lead to severe congestion.

A1 freeway experienced multiple collisions during the afternoon and evening of May 14th, leading to major traffic disruptions.

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Borussia Dortmund: Bundesliga match-ups and key players - Multiple collisions on the A1 lead to severe congestion.

At 3:23 pm, a Volvo moving towards Bremen crashed into a small truck inside a permanent construction zone just before the Lichtendorf service station. The 56-year-old driver from Kamen sustained severe injuries and was transported to the hospital by air. The 25-year-old truck driver from Hamm experienced only minor wounds and also received medical treatment. The total cost of damages reached €28,000. The road was reopened at 5:36 pm.

Not long after, at 3:56 pm on the A1 heading towards Cologne near the Kamen intersection, a truck failed to notice a car in its blind spot while changing lanes, resulting in material damage only. Luckily, no one was hurt in this incident. The accident investigation concluded at 5:30 pm.

Yet another accident occurred on the A1 going towards Cologne shortly after the Gevelsberg exit at around 6:24 pm. A truck driver from Poland, 48 years old, collided with a 37-year-old Lithuanian truck driver, causing serious injuries to the Polish man. The Lithuanian's truck had then slammed into the front of a Kazakh truck driver's vehicle, causing minor injuries to him. An emergency helicopter descended onto the scene of the accident. The overall damage to property summed up to €85,000. The entire road was shut down during the process of the accident investigation and cleanup, which lasted until 1:18 am.

This narrative originates from official information provided by the authorities and utilized AI assistance. #

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