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Motorcyclist Crashes into Volvo After Failing to Notice Car

A 65-year-old male resident of Recklinghausen gazed at a 33-year-old female driver from Bochum in her Volvo on Elfringhauser Straße, Hattingen, on May 10, 2024, 12:15 p.m., and resulted in a collision.

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Hattingen: Local News Updates - Motorcyclist Crashes into Volvo After Failing to Notice Car

A guy zooming on his SYM motorcycle from Bredenscheid ignoring a woman from Bochum's turn signal at the junction of Wodantal road caused a collision. The Recklinghausen man sustained some injuries and was rushed to the hospital. Damage to the surroundings roughly equates to 12,000 euros.

This narrative results from official details provided by authorities and was crafted in collaboration with an AI.

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