A young girl (2) suffers severe injuries at a pedestrian crossing. - Mother combats speeding drivers using striking image
In Pattensen, a two-year-old was pushing her doll carriage across a zebra crossing with her mother right behind her. They thought the car was stopping but it crashed into the little girl, Emilia Charlotte, on the road. Her mother thought she was dead as she lay bleeding on the street. Fortunately, Emilia Charlotte survived with injuries including a tear in her lung, a broken collarbone, a bloody lip, and a lot of blood. There have been dangerous situations at this zebra crossing, near the town entrance, before: "Cars drive way too fast," says Sandra Z.
To address this issue, Sandra has started a petition on "change.org" to improve pedestrian safety at the crossing. Her petition includes a photo of her injured daughter, with a split lip, a bloody nose, and a hematoma on her forehead.
"I just can't get that image of my daughter bleeding on the street out of my mind," she says. "I don't want any other parents to go through this. Drastic measures need to be taken to make drivers slow down." The petition gained support quickly, garnering over 200 signatures.
The city has taken a first step by removing obstructive election posters, which could be hindering visibility.
The police in Hannover are now investigating the 76-year-old driver who caused the accident.