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More than a century of sexual assault incidents in a year.

A 14-year-old girl in Berlin experienced horrors in June as she was raped by two perpetrators. This incident was one of the 111 reported instances of gang rape in the city last year.

Der Schlachtensee: Hier wurde vergangenen Sommer eine 14-Jährige vergewaltigt
Der Schlachtensee: Hier wurde vergangenen Sommer eine 14-Jährige vergewaltigt

Startling statistics from Berlin - More than a century of sexual assault incidents in a year.

Here are the startling statistics shared by Interior State Secretary Christian Hochgrebe (51, SPD) in response to a parliamentary inquiry:

■ Victims: Age range from under 6 years to over 60+. The highest numbers belong to age groups 14-16 years (18), 25-30 years (17), and 30 to under 40 years (17).

■ Locations: Multi-family houses (41) and parks (16) were the most common locations. However, these crimes also occurred at typically busy spots like restaurants (4), public transportation (2), a school (1), and a detention center (1).

■ Suspects: Police targeted 106 potential culprits, with ages varying from under 12 years old to over 60 years old.

An inquisitive MP from the AfD party also questioned about the number of foreigners involved in these incidents. The Berlin Senate reported that 54% of the suspects were non-German citizens. The Senate asserted that they have not observed any significant change in the "socio-cultural background."

■ Trend: The numbers have been going up: 2023 - 111 cases of group rapes, 2022 - 89, 2021 - 106, 2020 - 98.

The police began tracking group rapes as "rape" in their national statistics since 2018 and highlighted if there was more than one perpetrator.

Im Januar kamen Islam E. (18, hier im

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