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Michelle Hunziker will be visiting her physician at this location for a checkup.

Have Michelle Hunziker (47) and Alessandro Carollo (41, Italian osteopath) rekindled their romance? With their previous big feelings seemingly over, a new suit alleged to be melting her heart may have entered her life.

Michelle Hunziker amüsiert sich in Italien herrlich mit einem unbekannten Mann, scheint in...
Michelle Hunziker amüsiert sich in Italien herrlich mit einem unbekannten Mann, scheint in Flirtlaune zu sein

Meeting a new guy for a meal. - Michelle Hunziker will be visiting her physician at this location for a checkup.

The stunning hostess recently caught the eyes of an unidentified man, who had her giggling like never before.

Dressed in a stylish ensemble with a midriff-revealing dress, jacket, and wide trousers, she went to a gourmet restaurant in Bergamo, Italy.

The couple, although not alone, were accompanied by Michelle Hunziker's Italian singer friend, Anna Tatangelo (37), her model boyfriend Mattia Narducci (27), and their manager Graziella Lopedota. What stood out, though, was the strong connection between Michelle and her new friend, whom she's said to have met through mutual friends - as it seemed like a perfect match.

The two often appeared to be separated from their companions, sharing delightful laughs behind bushes, or strolling hand-in-hand through the area.

Michelle Hunziker (3. v. r.) beim Dinner-Date mit Freunden, zu dem auch ihr bislang noch unbekannter Verehrer (l.) gehörte

The mysterious person who put a smile on Michelle's face is now drawing attention from the public.

It has been reported in the Italian media that it's Matteo Viezzer, a fashion manager from Vittorio Veneto, and son of a well-known orthopedist in the area. There have been whispers that he's captured the heart of the beautiful Michelle, but the news has not been confirmed yet.

The dinner and proximity seemed to have made an impression on both of them. Let's wait and see if the spark continues to burn......

Michelle und Matteo schienen sich gut zu verstehen. Ob da noch mehr läuft, wissen vorerst nur die beiden

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