A new publication uncovers - Michalczewski Transformed into a Tigress
The man who authenticated over 3,000 fights at more than 400 boxing events as a ring announcer shared some fascinating memories with us in a recent conversation. In the initial years of his career, he also worked as a press spokesperson, marketing executive, and head of operations for the renowned "Universum" stable.
He claims, "I was merely trying to pen down a few family memories, but it turned out to be an entire book to my surprise."
The trained industrial clerk spent two and a half years at his computer, chronicling his experiences in 406 pages. The personal anecdotes shared in his book, "A Look Behind the Scenes of Professional Boxing", are filled with intriguing tales never told before. From the inception of Universum in the renowned boxing basement of Ritze, his encounter with Hollywood icon Mickey Rourke (71), sex in the showers at the Universum gym in Wandsbek, and the scandalous fight between Dariusz Michalczewski (56) and Graciano Rocchigiani (✝︎54) at Millerntor in 1996.
However, Müller insists, "This is not a tell-all book! I've always considered the people from boxing as my family, and I never betray them."
In one of his favorite stories, Müller divulges the secret behind Michalczewski's transformation into a "tiger"...
A fortuitous event changed everything. The Circus Busch was in Hamburg for a guest performance, and one of the main attractions was a tiger show!

Müller recalls, "Back then, I would never have imagined doing such a thing. But I called and asked if we could take pictures. The tamer was quite comfortable with the idea and said, 'Yes, that's a great idea.' When I saw the full-grown tiger, I felt a tiny bit anxious. The trainer then said, 'The vital aspect is that the tiger should have its favorite food first. And Dariusz mustn't react, talk, or interact with the tiger. The action would then be entirely safe."
As a precaution, Müller informed Michalczewski about a "small tiger."
The boxer bravely entered the cage. Müller recollects, "At a command, the tiger stood on its feet. He then received a second command, which caused the tiger to snarl at Dariusz." The famous photograph was taken at that moment.
Müller's heart skipped a beat when Michalczewski approached him, "Though it wasn't particularly hot, I saw beads of sweat on his forehead and he grinned, saying, 'I'll get you back for this.'"

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Source: symclub.org