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Jena's Elias Löder (2nd from left) set the course for victory early on with his brace and later...
Jena's Elias Löder (2nd from left) set the course for victory early on with his brace and later scored to make the final score 4:0.

DFB Cup secured. - Meuselwitz is overrun by Carl Zeiss Jena.

Carl Zeiss Jena triumphs over ZFC Meuselwitz 4-0, guaranteeing them a place in the first round of the DFB Cup next season. This marks their 15th cup victory at the state level, out of a total of 20 appearances in the finals.

Carl Zeiss Jena holds the title of the most successful cup-winning team in Thuringia.

The match held in Meuselwitz saw a roaring crowd of 4,406 spectators: Nils Butzen delivered a precise pass down the sidelines, Cemal Sezer sent the ball across - and Elias Löder scored the opening goal for Carl Zeiss Jena within the first five minutes. The scoreboard soon read 2-0 after Löder took advantage of a mishap in Meuselwitz's offense (11').

Meuselwitz appeared completely outclassed, with Carl Zeiss Jena in total control.

Before the first half came to an end, Pasqual Verkamp secured another goal for Carl Zeiss Jena, making it 3-0 (39').

Much of the same transpired in the second half: Carl Zeiss Jena continued to dominate with their strong offensive game. Löder scored Carl Zeiss Jena's fourth goal, leaving no question as to the outcome of the match (62').

The identity of Jena's opponent in the first round of the DFB Cup will be revealed on June 1st. The draw will determine this meeting in August (17th-19th).

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