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Mention cheese, and you'll feel drowsy.

Experience the pleasure of relaxing, falling asleep, and enjoying a restful night - a dream come true.

Wie wunderbar es ist, federleicht in den Schlaf zu sinken! Leider können das nicht alle
Wie wunderbar es ist, federleicht in den Schlaf zu sinken! Leider können das nicht alle

Deceive your mind into dozing off. - Mention cheese, and you'll feel drowsy.

Approximately one third of the population in Germany struggles to fall asleep or stay asleep, while nine percent experience severe sleep disruptions. It's not uncommon for individuals to find themselves trapped in a mental loop, unable to shut off their thoughts, even with their best efforts.

To address these issues, California-based behavioral scientist Luc. P. Beaudoin has introduced a concept known as "cognitive shuffle" or "cognitive jumbling." This method plays a trick on our brains while we sleep.

Strike Your Brain with Nonsense

If you're trying to deal with intrusive thoughts or have numerous worries, simply focusing on your breathing or counting sheep won't be enough. Beaudoin suggests overwhelming your brain with nonsense.

Context: During sleep, our consciousness is allowed to let go only when images and loose thought patterns emerge - Beaudoin refers to these as microdreams. The cognitive shuffle technique mimics this process.

The Mechanics Behind the Method

Imagine a series of unrelated objects appear in your mind, one after the other. The sequence should make no sense. What's key is that you picture each object you're thinking of.

Consider this example: Bread, table, bird, wallpaper, cheese, bicycle, tie. Keep going with this until you drift into sleep.

► What makes this method so effective: Filling your mind with nonsense switches on your body's sleep program, Beaudoin explains. The brain can't focus on multiple things simultaneously. While you're imagining how a block of cheese looks, you can't think about everyday stress at the same time.

For those who need more structure to generate random words, you can use this trick: Choose a word with five letters, then come up with a new concept for each letter of the word. Be sure to visualize everything vividly. Example: P.F.E.R.D. The next idea could be Poodle, Flag, Oak, Rowboat, Dog.

Continue with this until you fall asleep. Good luck!

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