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Men use knives and bottles in fighting against each other.

Intense brawl occurs in the notorious James Simon Park.

Three seriously injured people were taken to hospital
Three seriously injured people were taken to hospital

Four individuals sustained injuries within a Berlin park. - Men use knives and bottles in fighting against each other.

On Saturday night, authorities were called to the Mitte district due to multiple young individuals violently attacking and stabbing one another with knives and shattered glass bottles. Affected parties received immediate medical attention on-site by emergency doctors and paramedics before being transferred to local hospitals.

Following the incident, a specialized Berlin police unit investigated the scene, which included collecting witness statements and initiating a search for the perpetrator. In-depth inquiries into these severe assaults and their origins are current ongoing.

Paramedics and emergency doctors treated the injured on site

Notably, the park has witnessed routine conflicts and excessive partying in recent years, with events becoming so frequent and drastic that it was made off-limits after dark for several months.

The police were still investigating that night in the centrally located Hauptstadt-Park


Bloodstains on the floor bear witness to the altercation

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