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Meadow smoke alarm sounded.

Firefighters hurried to a meadow after a smoke detector repeatedly alerted the fire department, sending twelve firefighters and a turntable ladder to the location.

Many hunters and farmers use drones to search for fawns, but some also scare them away with smoke...
Many hunters and farmers use drones to search for fawns, but some also scare them away with smoke alarms

Twelve firefighters, three fire trucks, and a turntable ladder were in use. - Meadow smoke alarm sounded.

Late Saturday night, rescuers were suddenly shaken out of their slumber by the loud beeping of a smoke detector. Residents in Hermann-Löns-Weg, Barmstedt, Schleswig-Holstein received the alarm at 2:20 am. Thinking someone might be in danger, they immediately called for the assistance of the fire department.

Now, the problem was locating the source of this high-pitched beeping. Rushing to the scene, the fire department arrived with three vehicles and a turntable ladder. Though they, too, were unable to find the source at first, they were just about to call in additional fire brigades when they finally discovered the cause - a smoke detector in a meadow!

The arriving police then further revealed the culprit behind this bizarre situation - hunters who had set up the alarms in the meadow as a way to scare away fawns. These hunters had a history of using this method, and considered it successful in saving fawns from accidentally being hit by the farm owners' mowers. However, many hunters have since switched to drones fitted with thermal imaging cameras for their fawn-saving missions.

The fire department packed up their equipment, having solved this peculiar case, and drove off, hoping not to be woken up by more "alarms" like this one.

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