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Massive fight breaks out among a large group during a soccer match.

Around 4 p.m., the spectators at the district sports ground in Essen-Altenessen become chaotic, running around the sports field. In the commotion, one man takes out a knife and wounds another, followed by a gunshot being fired. A gruesome fight between rival clans occurs at the sports ground.

Police officers surround the district sports facility, separating the opposing groups
Police officers surround the district sports facility, separating the opposing groups

Initially, a brawl in the spectators, followed by a stabbing in Essen. - Massive fight breaks out among a large group during a soccer match.

Earlier, "AL-ARZ Lebanon" and "RuWa Dellwig" squared off in a peaceful match of Kreisliga C in Essen. However, tensions flared in the second half, leading to a heated argument among the crowd. This escalated into a riot involving at least 60 individuals.

Citizens in the area quickly raised the alarm, prompting the local police to deploy their entire force. Officers from the third division match in Duisburg were also re-routed to Altenessen, further reinforcing the security presence. Approximately 150 officers encircled the sporting complex in response to the potential threat of firearms.

These officers were apprehensive, fearing that the violence could be directed towards them. After restoring order, paramedics arrived to tend to two individuals who had been injured. One victim had suffered a laceration.

No other casualties were discovered within the facility. A police officer remarked, "It's possible that other injured individuals left before our arrival."

All the men implicated in the disorder were apprehended and detained within the enclosed premises. They are believed to hail from two separate extended families. No one is ready to disclose the cause of the brawl.

The police withdrew officers from the third division match in Duisburg for the operation in Essen

The 150 potential suspects are being processed, required to provide their identities, and searched for any weapons.

Clan Investigators on Duty

As the situation remains tense, more Lebanese clan members continue to flock to the scene. A number of policemen guard the area closely, monitoring both groups of men. The operation is anticipated to extend into the night.

Spent bullets were recovered and are currently undergoing analysis. Given the apparent clan-related nature of the conflict, our specialized clan investigators are also on site.

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