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Many people gather in protest in Berlin.

During a demonstration, police officers faced pyrotechnics and eggs as projectiles. Despite this, there were no major incidents of violence. What can we expect on Wednesday?

"We are witches you couldn't burn" is written on a banner during the women's demo "Take back the...
"We are witches you couldn't burn" is written on a banner during the women's demo "Take back the night".

Walpurgis Night - Also known as Walpurgisnacht or May Eve, this is a pagan celebration marked by bonfires and the belief that witches would gather together on this night. Its origins date back to pre-Christian traditions. - Many people gather in protest in Berlin.

Many individuals traveled through Berlin-Friedrichshain on the evening of April 30th for the queer-feminist protest titled "Take Back the Night". Police spokeswoman Anja Dierschke reported on Wednesday night that the event went as planned, making the outcome favorable. Approximately 2,800 people participated in the protest; there were occasional attacks on officers with pyrotechnics and eggs thrown. However, there were no reported injuries to the police, as Dierschke shared after midnight.

Initially, Dierschke mentioned that there had been isolated instances of stones being thrown, but this didn't end up being the case. According to early figures, four individuals were briefly detained for breaking assembly law to identify them.

After the gathering left Boxhagener Platz at a later-than-expected time, the organizers declared the event finalized about half an hour later. The black bloc and their banners vanished as well. In the late evening, a large number of people remained on Warschauer Straße from Frankfurter Tor to Grünberger Straße, singing and dancing to "Take Back the Night," as per dpa reporters. The crowd had dispersed by midnight.

Another larger demonstration took place in Wedding on Tuesday afternoon with the slogan "For peace and social justice." The police mentioned roughly 500 participants. The organizers guessed up to 800 and noted that the mood was extremely positive. At Gesundbrunnen, the rally disbanded quietly and calmly. The organizers complained about provocative conduct by certain police officers at the event's conclusion, while the police spoke of a disruption-free event.

A massive police presence is accompanying the various May Day demonstrations. On Tuesday, more than 2,000 police officers were present. Considering the numerous and larger protests anticipated, around 5,500 officers are estimated to be out and about for the entire city on May 1st.

The day commences with the traditional trade union marches in the morning from the city center to the Red City Hall. At noon, rallies will start in Kreuzberg, including one by the Left Party. During the afternoon, left-leaning groups are planning to carry out parades through the affluent district of Grunewald with satirical actions and protests. About 2,000 participants are anticipated.

Over 20 demonstrations have been registered as of Wednesday morning. The largest of these is the annual left-wing and radical left-wing "Revolutionary May Day Demonstration", which starts at 6:00 pm. According to the police, the route was selected specifically considering the situation in Gaza to attract as many pro-Palestinian protesters as possible. Units with evacuation vehicles, water cannons, a police helicopter, and flashing lights to light up the streets, especially in Kreuzberg and Neukölln, will also be on standby.

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