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Manipulated voting on a ban for combustion cars within the CDU party

Online voting by CDU on phasing out combustion engines is ALTERED!

CDU party leader Friedrich Merz (68)
CDU party leader Friedrich Merz (68)

86% of people disagree with their party's wishes - Manipulated voting on a ban for combustion cars within the CDU party

The final outcome (Saturday, 11 a.m., over 180,000 participants): Only 14% supported the CDU's demand (removal of the ban on combustion engines) on the CDU's online platform, whereas 86% were against the CDU's stance.

At first, there was confusion in the CDU headquarters, followed by clarification from the service provider: the data were INCORRECT.

The selected security level is suitable for this type of survey and provides a reasonable balance between a high level of protection and a low barrier to entry. "Only a sophisticated system with two-factor authentication using an email or mobile number can counteract the amount of criminal activity present here. However, this makes it more difficult for simple, easy-to-access participation," says Schleifer.

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann (46) informed BamS: "It's devastating how far things have come in our country. It's disappointing how manipulation is carried out here with such considerable criminal energy. Any tampering with votes is intolerable during an election campaign. As the CDU, we advocate for a fair election campaign."

The CDU seeks to overturn the EU-wide ban on combustion engines from 2035 and initiated a web-based vote. On its own website, the party asks: "Do you support the call to lift the ban on combustion engines?" The answer options are "Yes" or "No." No registration was necessary to participate; the poll was anonymous.

App users can cast their votes here on whether they back the ban on combustion engines from 2035.

On Thursday, Linnemann stated: "The end of the combustion engine is detrimental to our country's prosperity. It's like chopping down the tree we're sitting on." On its website, the CDU encourages a vote to "preserve prosperity and good jobs in the automotive industry" - and thus opposes the EU decision from last year. The CDU wants to permit climate-neutral combustion engines even after 2035.

According to the EU Commission, new vehicles powered by petrol or diesel will not be allowed to be sold in the European Union from 2035.

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